iA Network

Life Long Friends Colleagues Mentors

Beyond enhancing your skills,the Implant Acceleratorprogram fosters the formationof lifelong friendships,professional connections, andinvaluable mentorships. Join avibrant community wherepeers become colleagues,mentors guide your journey,and shared experiencescreate lasting bonds. As analumnus, you’ll gain exclusiveaccess to online resourcesand participate in dynamicgroup chats where you canask questions, receive quickresponses, and share casesand ideas with a network oflike-minded professionals.

Why Choose iA?

For over a decade, the renowned faculty at Implant Accelerator has been at the forefront of providingcomprehensive, cutting-edge didactic and clinical training in implant dentistry for both general practitionersand specialists.

Immersive Experience

This program offers an immersive experience with 100+ hours of dynamic lectures, hands-on surgical and prosthodontic workshops, live surgical demonstrations, intensive live surgery training in Tijuana, Mexico, and specialized surgical assistant training. These meticulously structured hours can be applied toward the credentialing requirements of several prestigious professional organizations.

World-Class intructors and Clinicians

The lectures and workshops are led by world-class instructors and clinicians from Implant Accelerator and globally renowned experts. The curriculum is tailored for clinicians at all levels-beginning, intermediate, and advanced-ensuring that every participant can expand their knowledge and skills in implant dentistry.

Faculty & Instructors